Hard Cases


Résumé :

"If I hear the music, I'm gonna dance." – Greggs
D'Angelo confronts Avon about the bad package and washes his hands of the business. Avon brokers a deal to give up the prison officer for a reduction in his sentence. Valchek specifically requests Lieutenant Daniels for the Sobotka investigation. Daniels negotiates with Burrell and secures the promise of his own major crimes unit after the Sobotka investigation ends. Sobotka chastises his son and nephew about their unauthorized smuggling deal with the Greeks; he defends his own illicit deals as a means toward regenerating the ailing dockyard. Ziggy continues to enjoy his new-found wealth. McNulty takes a personal interest in the murdered women and is pressured to find Omar for Bunk Moreland.

Durée : 60 minutes

Première diffusion : 2003-06-22